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How Giving What You Need Creates Abundance in Your Life

Have you ever noticed something incredible? The more generous you are, the more you seem to receive. 💖 And even more fascinating—when you give what you need most to someone else, it somehow comes back to you in ways you never expected. Today, we’re diving into how giving what you need creates abundance in your life. Come chat with me….

Ask Yourself: What Do I Want & Need?

It’s like the universe works in a beautiful cycle. But let’s stop for a moment and really reflect. When you crave companionship, understanding, or empathy, what’s your first instinct? Do you wait for someone to offer it to you? Or do you give it to someone else?

I know it may feel a little counterintuitive, but here’s the truth I’ve learned in my own life: giving others what you desire most actually sets in motion a ripple effect of love and abundance. It’s like a universal law that when we give what we seek, we get it back tenfold.

I made a video just for you today, where I dive deeper into this idea. In it, I talk about the profound impact of giving what you need, and how it creates a full-circle effect of enrichment—not just for the person you’re giving to, but for yourself as well. You can watch it below!  🙌

Let me give you an example. How many times have you been feeling a little lonely or disconnected, craving genuine companionship? What if, in that moment, you decided to give someone else the very thing you’re craving—really see them, offer them a moment of kindness, or just listen to them fully?

In our busy lives, it’s easy to forget the power of truly acknowledging someone else’s existence. But when we take the time to share a compliment, engage in a heartfelt conversation, or perform an unsolicited act of kindness, it can have a huge impact. Not just for the other person, but for us, too.

When you give love, understanding, or companionship to others, you make space in your life for those same blessings to come back to you. And it’s not just about receiving—it’s about becoming a catalyst for abundance. 🌟

Giving To Receive

I’ve experienced this over and over again in my journey. When I take a moment to be generous with my time, energy, or love, I am amazed at how the universe aligns and brings those things back to me when I need them most. The more we give, the more we receive—it’s that simple.

So today, think about something you desire more of in your life. Maybe it’s kindness, love, understanding, or even just someone to listen to you. Now, ask yourself: How can I give that to someone else?

Even if it’s just one small act of generosity, it will set the universe in motion to send that same energy right back to you. I made this video for you on this topic, you can WATCH IT HERE

Creating Abundance

I truly believe that when we focus on giving, we open ourselves to receiving in ways we could never have predicted. The more you give, the more you invite abundance into your life.

I love you, I believe in you, YOU are WORTHY!


Order my New York Times-bestselling book, WORTHY, to dive deeper into believing you are enough and transforming your life! Click HERE to order!

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Jamie Kern Lima in Business Suit, Looking Confident

Jamie Kern Lima

Jamie Kern Lima is a self-made entrepreneur, champion of women, philanthropist, keynote speaker and Co-founder of IT Cosmetics, a company she started in her living room and sold to L’Oreal for $1.2 Billion, becoming the first female CEO in L’Oreal’s 100+ year history. She’s on the Forbes Richest Self-Made Womens List and is an active investor in more than 15 companies. Jamie is passionate about inspiring and mentoring entrepreneurs, building businesses, making a difference in the lives of women and girls and giving back in a big way.

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