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The Shortcut to Getting What You Want: Give First

I’m so excited to share a game-changing tool with you today—one that’s truly a shortcut to getting everything you want in life. Now, I know this might sound simple—or even counterintuitive—but trust me, it works every time. The shortcut to getting what you want in life? I’ve found the quickest way to get what you want is to give it!

I’m not just talking about physical things, but also the emotional and spiritual needs we all have. When you give what you need, whether it’s love, connection, friendship, or even just attention, it sets in motion the universe’s beautiful law of reciprocity. It’s exactly like Newton’s third law of motion: For every action, there’s an equal and opposite reaction.

When you give, you open the door to receiving. It might feel like a small act, but it can change everything. This is a tool I turn to in my life all the time, and it’s been absolutely life-changing.

Here’s how this works:

1. Feeling Unseen or Lonely? Give Visibility and Connection!

If you’re feeling unseen, overlooked, or lonely, here’s your quick fix: Take a moment to SEE someone else. It could be as simple as making eye contact with someone in the coffee shop and saying hello, or asking how their day is going. It might seem small, but when you make a connection like that, not only do you help someone else feel less lonely, but you will also feel more connected too.

When you give what you need (connection and attention), it’s amazing how much more of it starts to show up in your life.

2. Want More Great Friends? Become a Great Friend!

We all want deep, meaningful friendships. But did you know that the key to building those relationships is to be the kind of friend you want to have? If you want more friends who care, support, and uplift you, start being that person for others.

Reach out to someone who might be feeling isolated and extend a hand of friendship. Invite them for coffee, ask about their life, or simply listen. By offering what you’re hoping to receive, you begin to see more of those same qualities return to you.

3. Are You Craving Love, Appreciation, or Attention? Give It First!

Think about what’s missing in your life right now. Is it more love? More appreciation? More kindness?

Here’s the thing: if you crave something, be the first to offer it. If you feel underappreciated, start giving compliments and showing gratitude to others. If you feel disconnected, send a message to someone just to check in and ask how they’re doing. When you put those positive energies into the world, you create a ripple effect that eventually comes back to you—often in ways you least expect.

4. The Power of Giving: It Works Every Time

This isn’t just a concept I’ve read about—it’s a shortcut to getting what you want that I’ve seen work over and over in my life. When I give what I need, I get it. Whether it’s in my personal relationships or my career, when I focus on giving, I always get back so much more than I ever imagined.

In fact, I created this video for you to dive deeper into how giving what you need can truly transform your day, your life, and your relationships. You can watch it [HERE].

So today, I want to challenge you: Give the thing you need. If you’re craving more love, give love. If you want more connection, show connection. If you want to feel seen, see others.

This simple shift in perspective can open up the floodgates to abundance, love, and everything you’ve been hoping for. This shortcut to getting what you want in life puts emphasis on the power of giving and it’s life-changing.

And remember, you are worthy of all the love, support, and goodness you desire. I believe in you!



Order my New York Times-bestselling book, WORTHY, to dive deeper into believing you are enough and transforming your life! Click HERE to order!

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Jamie Kern Lima in Business Suit, Looking Confident

Jamie Kern Lima

Jamie Kern Lima is a self-made entrepreneur, champion of women, philanthropist, keynote speaker and Co-founder of IT Cosmetics, a company she started in her living room and sold to L’Oreal for $1.2 Billion, becoming the first female CEO in L’Oreal’s 100+ year history. She’s on the Forbes Richest Self-Made Womens List and is an active investor in more than 15 companies. Jamie is passionate about inspiring and mentoring entrepreneurs, building businesses, making a difference in the lives of women and girls and giving back in a big way.

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