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This is How To Believe In Yourself! Overcome Self-Doubt, and Learn to Believe You Are Worthy!

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Welcome to The Jamie Kern Lima Show! You Belong Here!!

Imagine. . .overcoming self-doubt, learning to believe in yourself and trust yourself and know you’re enough. Imagine stepping into all of who you are, and into the person you were born to be. . . unstoppable. Unstoppable in your joy, your success, your faith and in your belief in yourself! The Jamie Kern Lima Show is for you if you’re ready to ignite that light inside of you, and learn to shine it brightly, even if it’s for the first time, or for the first time in a long time. IT’s YOUR time, today is YOUR day, and THIS is your show. This is How You Trust Yourself. This is How You Love Yourself. This is How You Believe in Yourself. Welcome to the Jamie Kern Lima Show!


And if you’ve ever doubted you’re enough or wondered if your dreams are possible…then this episode is for you! 

I share the story, behind the story, of how I went from struggling waitress facing non-stop rejection, to building a billion-dollar business from my living room, and becoming a New York Times bestselling author, all by learning to believe in myself. And I’m obsessed with showing you how you can believe in yourself too, plus some of the tactical tools and lessons you can apply to your life right now! If self-doubt has already cost you too much in your life, it’s time to change that together! 


Here are the prompt questions for you for this special episode. These are designed to spark revelations in your own life and self-worth journey together.

  1. Is there a goal or dream you have in your life, that it’s time to reignite? Perhaps it’s one where an unfavorable outcome, or rejection led you to give up on in the past, but deep down inside you still yearn for it to happen.
  2. What’s a moment in life where you were faced with a NO (someone else’s rejection, someone not seeing your value, a set-back, etc.) but you also had (or still have) a KNOWING that tells you you’re supposed to keep going anyways?
  3. Would you say you’re better at listening to the NOs (even the ones your own self-doubt tells you) or your own KNOWING?
  4. Have you ever had an experience where you had to choose not to listen to a naysayer, or someone who didn’t believe in you, or someone who said something hurtful to you? What tools did you use not to let their words take root?
  5. Have you had one, or many, times in life where you can look back now and realize that someone else’s doubt about you is NO indication of whether or not you, or your idea or your goal or your dream are going to be successful? Reflecting on these moments helps minimize the significance you might be tempted to give to anyone who doubts you in the future!


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Jamie Kern Lima in Business Suit, Looking Confident

Jamie Kern Lima

Jamie Kern Lima is a self-made entrepreneur, champion of women, philanthropist, keynote speaker and Co-founder of IT Cosmetics, a company she started in her living room and sold to L’Oreal for $1.2 Billion, becoming the first female CEO in L’Oreal’s 100+ year history. She’s on the Forbes Richest Self-Made Womens List and is an active investor in more than 15 companies. Jamie is passionate about inspiring and mentoring entrepreneurs, building businesses, making a difference in the lives of women and girls and giving back in a big way.

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